
VERSASS.COM - Cougar Boots Giveaway !!!

Miss Sassou, fashionista & author of the blog VERSASS.COM is offering you a chance to win a pair of Cougar boots in a contest on her blog ! 
All you need to do is read her article on the Cougar boots http://www.versass.com/2010/11/cougar-giveaway.html
and then let her know which pair you prefer by emailing her @ cougarcontest@versass.com

While you are on there, make sure you take a look at the rest of her blog, it is very interesting ! 


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Dversity encourages and represents cultural diversity as well as differences among styles. Its goal is to support variety in trends and fashion and to help open people eyes and mind about the beauty you can find in diversity.

Dversity encourage et représente la diversité culturel ainsi que les différences entre les styles. Son but et de supporter la variété dans la mode et ses tendances et d'aider les gens à ouvrir les yeux sur la beauté de la diversité.